Books We are Reading in the Classroom

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Oral Language

We are practicing our public speaking by teaching others what we celebrate.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Fractions of a Set

2/5 of 10?
Ask Mrs. Dawson's math group for the answer!
They have learned how to find fractions of a set of numbers.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Learning Goal: Oral Communication

The students will be working on speaking in front of an audience. These guidelines will help them to speak with greater fluency and confidence.

Learning About Fractions

Mrs. Dawson's math group is now learning about fractions. They made placemats and divided them into fractions and named them. Take a look!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Transformational Geometry: Reflections

Narrative Writing

The students are beginning a unit on narrative writing. They will be making a narrative folder to help organize their work.

February: Events going on...

Feb. 6- Student of the month
Feb. 6- Report cards go home
Feb. 9- Parent-Teacher interviews
Feb.10- No School!
Feb.17- YMCA
Feb.20- Family Day No School
Feb.22- Oral Communication Festival